A fun sensory twist on a puzzle! Try this rainbow shape hunt – little ones need to hunt in the rainbow sensory base for the shapes hidden below. Can they find and name them all?
This rainbow shape hunt activity was so fun! We used a wooden shape puzzle and hid the pieces under the rainbow beans. The girls then had to dig and scoop to find the shapes and add them to the puzzle board.
What you’ll need:
- A play/tuff tray, tub, tray or plastic container. This tray was from Etsy https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1398041503/play-tray-for-messy-play-sensory-tuff?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=alfie+bear+sensory&ref=sr_gallery-1-7&sts=1&content_source=475da7195bd22b94d7503c4076b0357c6c0f9d7f%253A1398041503&organic_search_click=1
- A rainbow sensory base – I used cannellini beans, added paint and left them to dry
- Shape pieces – we used a puzzle but you could also use wooden shapes, magnetic shapes, or even cut some shapes out from cardboard.
- Scoops or spoons
This activity is great as it is so simple to set up and can be adapted for a variety of learning. You could use this set up for learning letters in the alphabet, numbers or animals! This is the first time I attempted the bean base and I found it worked really well. I just added some beans to a zip lock bag, a small amount of children’s non-toxic paint and gave it a shake. Then I laid them out on a baking tray to dry.
How a rainbow shape hunt supports development:
Physical – Adding a sensory base allows little ones to practice their fine motor skills by scooping, pouring and searching for pieces with their hands. All great for those hand, finger and wrist muscles.
Mathematics – This activity is great for learning all about shapes. Encourage your child to say the name of the shape when they find them under the rainbow beans! How many sides does the shape have? Can they see something else nearby that is the same shape? This activity can be extended by colour sorting the beans, too.
The children really enjoyed this sensory base and is one I will definitely use again and again. Let me know if you have a go at this activity! If you liked this, you may want to try a fun sensory seaside tray https://theeducatormum.co.uk/seaside-themed-tuff-tray-for-early-years/